Profi II Formula$369.00 -- Profi II Formula - 2" safety harness for Formula carsFormula Cars are an interesting breed of vehicles to make safety belts for. Most vehicles have limited space to work with, and in many cases drivers are sitting on the attachment points for their belts making snap in fittings uncomfortable. From Schroth’s experience in Formula One, their Formula belts have continually evolved into what they are today. A Traditional formula style restraint has a very unique method of transferring load from the sub straps to the cam lock. The sub straps are routed through D-rings sewn to the lap belts and then wrapped around the shoulder belt hardware. This allows there to be no hardware between the driver’s legs providing more comfort in the extreme confines of a formula car. Schroth has changed the formula belts to suit more drivers’ needs. Some people need a bolt in bracket sewn into the shoulder belts, for bolt in applications where there is extremely limited room. Others need the flexibility of an open end, which can either be wrapped or can be augmented with a wrapped-in end fitting. Custom lengths are available for an additional charge. For the Lap belts, some chassis require different bolt sizes than others and to combat that, Schroth has developed lap belt brackets provided with sleeves of varying Inner Diameters to accommodate the most popular bolt sizes. This design also allows the lap belt hardware to pivot freely and find the best geometry. Shoulder belts are 3" for drivers who still are not using the HANS device, or for drivers who do not wish to upgrade to the HANS specific shoulder belts. The Profi II Formula features the 2" lap belt as well. The main premise behind the 2" lap belt is one of added safety. A 2" belt rides within the crest of the human pelvis where a 3" belt would rest on the edges. This allows you to get the belt up to an inch and a half tighter. That means the lap belt will be working earlier in the accident event because it gets loaded faster. It's also more comfortable and easier to adjust becuase there's less friction through the adjuster. One other feature of Schroth’s formula restraints is the absence of
length adjuster on the lap belt. This allows for use in very tight
where such hardware would not fit. Length adjustment on the laps is set
at the
wrapped in end fitting.
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